BleepingComputer – Info on over 500.000 students and staff exposed in San Diego School District hack.
Personal information belonging to over half a million students … may have been compromised in a data breach incident. An unauthorized person baited the staff with phishing emails to collect credentials to log into the district’s network services.
NewsChannel11 – Unauthorized users could have accessed private information of 7,700 people following ETSU breach
University officials tell News Channel 11 that two unidentified employees clicked on a link in the phishing scam that was sent to their e-mail accounts.
Inforisk Today – French cinema chain fires Dutch executives over ‘CEO fraud’
Step one for not falling victim to business email compromise schemes: Senior managers must ensure they have a written and tested plan in place to ensure they don’t fall victim to the schemes, also known as CEO fraud.
TechPulse – Facebook datalek trof 50 miljoen accounts
De website werd namelijk getroffen door de zwaarste hackeraanval in zijn geschiedenis, waardoor de hackers in kwestie toegang kregen tot gebruikersdata van bijna 50 miljoen accounts.
Tripwire – Unencrypted laptop exposes personal details of 37,000 Eir customers
It’s not great when any organisation loses a laptop, but if the contents of the computer’s hard drive have been fully encrypted and a strong password has been used it’s hardly the end of the world.
Techcrunch – Weak passwords let a hacker access internal Sprint staff portal
Using two sets of weak, easy-to-guess usernames and passwords, a security researcher accessed an internal staff portal.
NakedSecurity – Staff dust off their typewriters after malware attack
Sophisticated malware has taken down systems in at least two Alaskan municipalities in an attack that officials say is the worst they have ever seen.
Engadget – California teen phished his teachers to change grades
Phishing attacks have been a key part of some of the most high-profile hacks in recent years, but they’re also used in smaller, less diabolical schemes as well. KTVU reports that a student at Ygnacio Valley High School in California used a phishing scam to access the school district’s computer system and change a number […]
Nieuwsblad – Man reageert zonder nadenken op mail en ziet prompt spaargeld in rook opgaan
Oplichters hebben een dertiger uit Bredene 7.000 euro afhandig gemaakt. Hij reageerde op een malafide mail en zag zijn rekeningen geplunderd worden.
AD – Vertrouwelijke bestanden gehackt van cyberbeveiliger Fox-IT.
… Het wachtwoord was in 2013 voor het laatst veranderd, ‘omdat het zelden gebruikt werd’. Er was ook geen tweede bevestiging nodig bij het inloggen, …