Bleepingcomputer – USCellular hit by a data breach after hackers access CRM software
“On January 6, 2021, we detected a data security incident in which unauth0rized individuals may have gained access to your wireless customer account and wireless phne number. A few employees in retail stores were successfully scammed by unauthorized individuals and downloaded software onto a store computer.”
HLN – Hackers leggen netwerk van Antwerps labo plat en eisen losgeld
“De cyberinbrekers blokkeerden alle computers van het lab en eisen nu losgeld. Als het lab niet betaalt, weigeren ze hen de toegang tot het systeem terug te geven.”
Politico – ‘Massively disruptive’ cyber crisis engulfs multiple agencies
“This is probably going to be one of the most consequential cyberattacks in U.S. history,”
De Tijd – ‘Wie losgeld betaalt, wordt opnieuw doelwit’
“De verlichtingsarmatuurfabrikant Trilux werd gehackt. Het bedrijf weigerde de cybercriminelen te betalen. “
BBC – Dutch journalist gatecrashes EU defence video conference
“Mr Verlaan managed to access the meeting after Dutch Defence Minister Ank Bijleveld tweeted a photo that contained the login address and part of the PIN code.”
NakedSecurity – Cult videogame company Capcom pays a big round $0.00 to ransomware crooks
“The good news is that, as far we know, Capcom hasn’t paid the crooks one brass satoshi. “ – Salaris Zwitserse universiteitsmedewerkers gestolen via phishingaanval
“Criminelen zijn erin geslaagd om door middel van phishingaanvallen de salarissen van Zwitserse universiteitsmedewerkers te stelen.”
AP – German hospital hacked, patient taken to another city dies
“The woman’s death appeared to be the first resulting from a ransomware attack, even if indirectly so. “
Hackread – Ex-employee hacked Cisco’s AWS Infrastructure; erased virtual machines
“Employee malcontent can lead to dire consequences. Something that worldwide leader in IT, networking, and cybersecurity solutions company, Cisco learned the hard way.”
Nakedsecurity – Porn blast disrupts bail hearing of alleged Twitter hacker
“Instead, the courtroom was hooked up to a Zoom meeting that was, it seems, not adequately secured against – how shall we put this? – external interference…”