De Tijd – Criminelen maakten 34 miljoen buit via phishing
“Oplichters gingen vorig jaar met 34 miljoen euro aan de haal door bankgegevens van hun slachtoffers te ontfutselen via valse mails en berichten. De crisis biedt criminelen nieuwe kansen om mensen te misleiden.”
BleepingComputer – Computer giant Acer hit by $50 million ransomware attack
“In conversations between the victim and REvil, which started on March 14th, the Acer representative showed shock at the massive $50 million demand.”
AGConnect – Kabinet acht Google niet veilig genoeg voor onderwijswereld
“Het kabinet heeft contact gelegd met de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) en met de Europese Commissie omdat producten van Google die scholen gebruiken niet veilig genoeg blijken.”
Darkreading – Universities Face Double Threat of Ransomware, Data Breaches
“Institutions of higher education continue to have problematic password policies, lack multifactor authentication (MFA), and have a plethora of open ports — despite suffering dozens of ransomware attacks and targeting by attackers focused on stealing student information and university research, according to a new study published Tuesday.”
Computable – Overlast door hack bij UvA en HvA lijkt beperkt
“Universiteit van Amsterdam en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam waren eerder deze week het doelwit van professionele hackers. Doordat de aanval snel werd opgemerkt, is de hinder ‘slechts zeer beperkt’, aldus de instellingen.”
BBCNews – Hacker tries to poison water supply of Florida city
“A computer hacker gained access to the water system of a city in Florida and tried to pump in a “dangerous” amount of a chemical, officials say.”
TechRepublic – World Economic Forum calls cybersecurity one of the “key threats of the next decade”
“But the latest report comes at a time when multiple cyberattacks every day are commonplace. Hospitals and schools now have to be prepared to respond to crippling ransomware attacks. “
SecurityBrief – Too much data on your devices? You may be a digital hoarder
“Is your hard drive full of emails, photos, documents, or media files that you haven’t looked at in years? There’s a good chance you’re a digital hoarder. We all know what hoarding of physical goods can become a huge problem, but research from the UK’s Northumbria University, Newcastle, suggests that digital hoarding can actually be […]
Bleepingcomputer – USCellular hit by a data breach after hackers access CRM software
“On January 6, 2021, we detected a data security incident in which unauth0rized individuals may have gained access to your wireless customer account and wireless phne number. A few employees in retail stores were successfully scammed by unauthorized individuals and downloaded software onto a store computer.”
HLN – Hackers leggen netwerk van Antwerps labo plat en eisen losgeld
“De cyberinbrekers blokkeerden alle computers van het lab en eisen nu losgeld. Als het lab niet betaalt, weigeren ze hen de toegang tot het systeem terug te geven.”