Politico – ‘Massively disruptive’ cyber crisis engulfs multiple agencies
“This is probably going to be one of the most consequential cyberattacks in U.S. history,”
De Tijd – ‘Wie losgeld betaalt, wordt opnieuw doelwit’
“De verlichtingsarmatuurfabrikant Trilux werd gehackt. Het bedrijf weigerde de cybercriminelen te betalen. “
BBC – Dutch journalist gatecrashes EU defence video conference
“Mr Verlaan managed to access the meeting after Dutch Defence Minister Ank Bijleveld tweeted a photo that contained the login address and part of the PIN code.”
ZDNET – The worst passwords of 2020 show we are just as lazy about security as ever
“Can’t we do any better than “123456”?”
NakedSecurity – Cult videogame company Capcom pays a big round $0.00 to ransomware crooks
“The good news is that, as far we know, Capcom hasn’t paid the crooks one brass satoshi. “
Security.nl – Salaris Zwitserse universiteitsmedewerkers gestolen via phishingaanval
“Criminelen zijn erin geslaagd om door middel van phishingaanvallen de salarissen van Zwitserse universiteitsmedewerkers te stelen.”
AP – German hospital hacked, patient taken to another city dies
“The woman’s death appeared to be the first resulting from a ransomware attack, even if indirectly so. “
Hackread – Ex-employee hacked Cisco’s AWS Infrastructure; erased virtual machines
“Employee malcontent can lead to dire consequences. Something that worldwide leader in IT, networking, and cybersecurity solutions company, Cisco learned the hard way.”
Nakedsecurity – Porn blast disrupts bail hearing of alleged Twitter hacker
“Instead, the courtroom was hooked up to a Zoom meeting that was, it seems, not adequately secured against – how shall we put this? – external interference…”
Cuberscoop.com – Zero-day flaw found in Zoom for Windows 7
“A previously unknown flaw in the videoconferencing software Zoom could allow a hacker to remotely commandeer computers running old versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system, security researchers said Thursday.”