Nakedsecurity – Too slow! Booking.com fined for not reporting data breach fast enough
“The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) – the country’s data protection regulator – has fined online travel and hotel booking company Booking.com almost half a million Euros over a data breach.”

De Tijd – Criminelen maakten 34 miljoen buit via phishing
“Oplichters gingen vorig jaar met 34 miljoen euro aan de haal door bankgegevens van hun slachtoffers te ontfutselen via valse mails en berichten. De crisis biedt criminelen nieuwe kansen om mensen te misleiden.”

AGConnect – Kabinet acht Google niet veilig genoeg voor onderwijswereld
“Het kabinet heeft contact gelegd met de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) en met de Europese Commissie omdat producten van Google die scholen gebruiken niet veilig genoeg blijken.”

TechRepublic – World Economic Forum calls cybersecurity one of the “key threats of the next decade”
“But the latest report comes at a time when multiple cyberattacks every day are commonplace. Hospitals and schools now have to be prepared to respond to crippling ransomware attacks. “

SecurityBrief – Too much data on your devices? You may be a digital hoarder
“Is your hard drive full of emails, photos, documents, or media files that you haven’t looked at in years? There’s a good chance you’re a digital hoarder. We all know what hoarding of physical goods can become a huge problem, but research from the UK’s Northumbria University, Newcastle, suggests that digital hoarding can actually be […]

Politico – ‘Massively disruptive’ cyber crisis engulfs multiple agencies
“This is probably going to be one of the most consequential cyberattacks in U.S. history,”

ZDNET – The worst passwords of 2020 show we are just as lazy about security as ever
“Can’t we do any better than “123456”?”

Cuberscoop.com – Zero-day flaw found in Zoom for Windows 7
“A previously unknown flaw in the videoconferencing software Zoom could allow a hacker to remotely commandeer computers running old versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system, security researchers said Thursday.”

ThreatPost – TikTok To Stop Clipboard Snooping After Apple Privacy Feature Exposes Behavior
“A new privacy feature in Apple iOS 14 sheds light on TikTok’s practice of reading iPhone users’ cut-and-paste data, even though the company said in March it would stop.”

Nakedsecurity – United States wants HTTPS for all government sites, all the time
“As well as saying all dot-gov sites should be available over HTTPS, the government wants to get to the point that all of its web servers are publicly committed to use HTTPS by default.”