ThreatPost – TikTok To Stop Clipboard Snooping After Apple Privacy Feature Exposes Behavior
“A new privacy feature in Apple iOS 14 sheds light on TikTok’s practice of reading iPhone users’ cut-and-paste data, even though the company said in March it would stop.”
BBCNews- How hackers extorted $1.14m from University of California, San Francisco
“A leading medical-research institution working on a cure for Covid-19 has admitted it paid hackers a $1.14m (£910,000) ransom after a covert negotiation witnessed by BBC News.”
BBCNews – Honda’s global operations hit by cyberattack
“Honda can confirm that a cyber-attack has taken place on the Honda network,” the Japanese car-maker said in a statement. It added that the problem was affecting its ability to access its computer servers, use email and otherwise make use of its internal systems. “There is also an impact on production systems outside of Japan,” […]
Bleepingcomputer – European supercomputers hacked in mysterious cyberattacks
“Several high-performance computers (HPCs) and data centers used for research projects have been shut down this week across Europe due to security incidents.”
De Tijd – HLB Belgium getroffen door ransomware
“Als HLB niet betaalt, zullen andere gestolen data ook gepubliceerd worden, waarschijnlijk in schijven om de druk geleidelijk op te voeren”
Bleepingcomputer – Scammers steal $10 million from Norway’s state investment fund
“Fraudsters running business email compromise scams were able to swindle Norfund, Norway’s state investment fund, out of $10 million.”
ZDNet – Dutch government loses hard drives with data of 6.9 million registered donors
“The hard disks, which also had to be destroyed, were no longer present in the vault and still cannot be found,” the Dutch Donor Register said in a statement yesterday.
Bruzz – Kunstinstelling LUCA aangevallen door cybercriminelen
“De kunstinstelling vreest voor een virtuele aanval met ransomware, waardoor gegevens op het netwerk geblokkeerd zouden zijn. De cybercrimineel eist bij een geslaagde infectie traditioneel geld om die gegevens opnieuw vrij te maken.”
VRTNWS – Cyberaanval op Arteveldehogeschool: ICT’ers in volle strijd tegen digitale criminelen
“”We werden al maandenlang belaagd door phishingmails. Maar nu is er dus voor het eerst iemand in de val gelopen.” Daardoor geraakte alles in een stroomversnelling: er ontstond een digitale strijd tussen de hogeschool en de cybercriminelen.”
Nackedsecurity – Ransomware attack forces 2-day shutdown of natural gas pipeline
“Why, in this day and age, when ransomware and other malware attacks are running amok, would cyberattacks have been left out of a utility company’s emergency response plan? “