DARKReading – How your printer is like Swiss cheese
“Often overlooked as an Internet of Things (IoT) device, printers offer promiscuous connectivity, serving as easy access points with a massive network footprint.” Picture: Designed by macrovector / Freepik
The Journal – Education sector sees massive surge in intrusions.
“… it takes an intruder significantly less time to begin moving into other systems on the network once they’ve made the initial breach — now just 1 hour and 32 minutes, down from four hours and 37 minutes …”
Mighty Gadget – What businesses should know about encryption
“Education: This is one where you might not think about cybersecurity as much, but if you have a business involving education, you need to protect people’s private information.”
VRTNWS – Pas op voor goedkope slimme apparaten: “Ze zijn zo lek als een zeef”
“Slimme huishoudtoestellen zoals een deurbel, stofzuiger of wasmachine zijn heel makkelijk te hacken. De onderzoekers konden makkelijk wachtwoorden onderscheppen en een slim deurslot kon vanop afstand worden geopend.”
Infosecurity – The Rise of Device Encryption
“The findings also illustrate how a lack of encryption can make an organization vulnerable: 12% of the IT leaders surveyed said that this had been the cause of a data breach within their business in the last year.”
KPMG – 2021 CEO Outlook Pulse Survey
“Among the key trends, cyber security risk emerged as the number one risk, rising dramatically from fifth place in August 2020.”
Securityboulevard – Online Ed is the New Corporate Threat Vector
“Schools are popular targets because they often lack the resources and personnel to focus on strengthening cybersecurity; educational institutions also tend to use older and outdated systems for which patching is difficult.”
Nakedsecurity – Too slow! Booking.com fined for not reporting data breach fast enough
“The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) – the country’s data protection regulator – has fined online travel and hotel booking company Booking.com almost half a million Euros over a data breach.”
De Tijd – Criminelen maakten 34 miljoen buit via phishing
“Oplichters gingen vorig jaar met 34 miljoen euro aan de haal door bankgegevens van hun slachtoffers te ontfutselen via valse mails en berichten. De crisis biedt criminelen nieuwe kansen om mensen te misleiden.”
AGConnect – Kabinet acht Google niet veilig genoeg voor onderwijswereld
“Het kabinet heeft contact gelegd met de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) en met de Europese Commissie omdat producten van Google die scholen gebruiken niet veilig genoeg blijken.“