Securityweek – Operations at Major Australian Ports Significantly Disrupted by Cyberattack
“It’s worth pointing out that organizations may say a cyberattack is not a ransomware attack if it does not involve file-encrypting malware. Several major ransomware operations now only steal valuable data from victims to convince them to pay a ransom.”
Forbes – Why Enterprise Storage Should Be A Key Cybersecurity Focus
“It’s no laughing matter that cybercriminals are increasingly hacking into the storage infrastructure of enterprises across the world because of the lack of cyber resilience.”
Help Net Security – Ransomware dwell time hits new low
“Median attacker dwell time—the time from when an attack starts to when it’s detected—shrunk from 10 to eight days for all attacks, and to five days for ransomware attacks during the first half of 2023, according to Sophos. In 2022, the median dwell time decreased from 15 to 10 days.”
FoxNews – Six privacy and security questions and answers to clear up once and for all
“If you’re tossing your hair back, saying, “Well, I don’t have anything a hacker would want,” think again. Hackers aren’t picky eaters.”
The Register – Janet Jackson music video declared a cybersecurity exploit
“The music video for Janet Jackson’s 1989 pop hit Rhythm Nation has been recognized as an exploit for a cybersecurity vulnerability after Microsoft reported it can crash old laptop computers.”
The Hill – White House holds first-ever summit on the ransomware crisis plaguing the nation’s public schools
“The lasting legacy of school ransomware attacks is not in school closures, multimillion-dollar recovery costs, or even soaring cyber insurance premiums. It is the trauma for staff, students and parents from the online exposure of private records …”
StackDiary – Zoom’s Updated Terms of Service Permit Training AI on User Content Without Opt-Out
“What raises alarm is the explicit mention of the company’s right to use this data for machine learning and artificial intelligence, including training and tuning of algorithms and models. “
MUO – 6 Ways to Protect Your Privacy in the Era of AI
“Artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly but steadily permeated almost every aspect of our digital lives, opening us up to one of the most potent privacy concerns since the rise of social media. But how can we deal with this new threat?”
MUO – 6 Ways to Protect Your Privacy in the Era of AI
“Artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly but steadily permeated almost every aspect of our digital lives, opening us up to one of the most potent privacy concerns since the rise of social media.”
CP24 – Ransomware attackers getting more sophisticated: Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
“Instead of weaseling their way into systems and requesting cash just to give back control, Khoury’s found many attackers are now focused on stealing data and other sensitive information they can threaten to release or sell.”