Belgium says Chinese hackers attacked its Ministry of Defense
“Belgium assesses these malicious cyber activities to have been undertaken by Chinese Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).”
US Government Picks Quantum-Resistant Encryption Algorithms
“The American government agency that’s also a global trendsetter for cryptographic standards today selected four algorithms designed to withstand a decryption attack mounted by a quantum computer.”
Fake copyright infringement emails install LockBit ransomware
“The recipients of these emails are warned about a copyright violation, allegedly having used media files without the creator’s license. These emails demand that the recipient remove the infringing content from their websites, or they will face legal action.”
De Tijd – Miko slachtoffer van hackers
“De beursgenoteerde koffiespecialist Miko is het slachtoffer geworden van een cyberaanval. Dat bevestigt de woordvoerder van de groep via een vanop zijn privéadres gestuurde e-mail. “
Bleepingcomputer – Morgan Stanley client accounts breached in social engineering attacks
“The account breaches were the result of vishing (aka voice phishing), a social engineering attack where scammers impersonate a trusted entity (in this case Morgan Stanley) during a voice call to convince their targets into revealing or handing over sensitive information such as banking or login credentials.”
NWS – Hogeschool VIVES slachtoffer van cyberaanval: “Data van studenten en docenten zijn veiliggesteld”
“Sinds vrijdag proberen hackers data te pakken te krijgen van de hogeschool en daarom werd er besloten om alle systemen tijdelijk plat te leggen. “
HIPAA Journal – Poor Employee Cyber Hygiene Is Putting Healthcare Cybersecurity at Risk
“While many of the security problems associated with passwords can be solved by using a password manager, only 31% of respondents used one.”
Vlaams Parlement – Over de uitvoering van het Vlaams Beleidsplan Cybersecurit
“Uit de barometer valt te leren dat naast een gebrek aan bewustzijn over cyberveiligheid, een gebrek aan kennis en expertise het meest opmerkelijk is.” … ” Een goede cybersecuritymaturiteit omvat naast een technologische component ook altijd een governancecomponent. ”
EdTech – Why Multifactor Authentication Should No Longer Be Optional in K–12
“Still, MFA can make a very real difference. When President Joe Biden met with key executives from technology companies last year, they noted that multifactor authentication can help prevent 80 to 90 percent of cyberattacks.”
Reuters – Toyota suspends domestic factory operations after suspected cyber attack
“Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) said it will suspend domestic factory operations on Tuesday, losing around 13,000 cars of output, after a supplier of plastic parts and electronic components was hit by a suspected cyber attack.”